KSBNS 2024

in conjunction with the APSN

October 15(Tue)-18(Fri), 2024
HICO, Gyeongju, South Korea


    • Workshop 1 Study approaches into synaptic neurochemical mechanisms underlying diverse neurological conditions
      • Date October 16
      • Time 17:00-18:40
      • Location Hall 4

      Kim Peng Mitchell Lai / National University of Singapore

      Dong-gyu Jo / Sungkyunkwan University


      Kim Peng Mitchell Lai / National University of Singapore

      Dong-gyu Jo / Sungkyunkwan University

    Neurodegeneration, neuromyopathy, chronic pain and autism spectrum disorder are some of Neurology’s most intractable diseases, and there remains an unmet need to adequately treat or cure these debilitating conditions. Leveraging on a panel of international expert researchers who approach these diverse conditions with a range of synaptic functional and neurochemical models, methodologies and platforms, this workshop aims to provide a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art mechanistic insights and interventional strategies. It is expected that the attendees will gain valuable insights from the sharing of experience from the speakers, as well as new appreciation for approaching neurodegeneration, chronic pain and autism from a synaptic neurochemical perspective.


    Time table
    Speaker Affiliation Title
    Suri Manjula University of Delhi Effect of procainization of ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus on the pain behavior in rats
    Thiruma Aumugam La Trobe University Time-restricted feeding: a strategy to safeguard against dementia by shaping the genetic and epigenetic landscape
    Dong-Gyu Jo Sungkyunkwan University Exosome-mediated CRISPR/Cas-based epigenome editing in Alzheimer's disease
    • Workshop 2 Neuropixels workshop: recording neuronal activity throughout the brain
      • Date October 17
      • Time 09:00-10:40
      • Location Hall 4

      Doyun Lee / Institute for Basic Science


      Doyun Lee / Institute for Basic Science

    This workshop will focus on the groundbreaking Neuropixels technology, a cutting-edge tool capable of simultaneously recording the activity of thousands of neurons across various brain regions. Experienced users of Neuropixels will lead presentations and discussions, addressing practical issues from initial setup to data analysis. Furthermore, the workshop invites Dr. Tim Harris and Dr. Albert Lee, the pioneers of Neuropixels technology, to provide a unique opportunity for researchers to receive direct guidance and insights from leading experts in the field. The workshop will feature six presentations focusing on practical aspects of Neuropixels recordings and data processing, as well as future directions of development followed by a mixed Q&A and discussion session.


    Time table
    Speaker Affiliation Title
    Seokwoo Ko Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Recording hardware
    Geonung Youn Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Surgery and recording I (acute)
    Jongrok Do Institute for Basic Science Surgery and recording II (chronic)
    Yena Hyun Pohang University of Science and Technology Spike sorting
    Jongwon Yun Sungkyunkwan University Probe tracking and spike alignment
    Timothy Harris Johns Hopkins University Future of Neuropixels

    Panel Discussion and Q&A

    Time table
    Speaker Affiliation
    Timothy Harris Johns Hopkins University
    Albert Lee Harvard University
    Doyun Lee Institute for Basic Science
    • Workshop 3 Enhancing brain and neural science research excellence by integrating sex and gender analysis
      • Date October 17
      • Time 14:00-15:40
      • Location Hall 5

      Heisook Lee / Korea Center for Gendered Innovations for Science and Technology Research (GISTeR)

      Sung-Jin Jeong / Korea Brain Research institute

      ChiHye Chung / Konkuk University


      ChiHye Chung / Konkuk University

      Supported by 한국과학기술젠더혁신센터

    This workshop focuses on advancing understanding of sex and gender impacts in brain and neuroscience research. It highlights the critical influence of these factors on brain function and the prevalence of psychiatric disorders such as depression, Alzheimer's, and autism spectrum disorders. Historically, studies that have used one sex (mostly male) and not the other have blurred our understanding of neurobiology and ignored key sex/gender variables. This event highlights the importance of research that considers both biological and social factors in brain and neural research; calls for a unified global effort to fund and implement research that incorporates these variables; and aims to improve research methods and share insights that capture this essential perspective in neuroscience.


    ■ Sex and gender issues in brain research – enhancing excellence of neuroscience
    Time table
    Speaker Affiliation Title
    Jee Hyun Kim Deakin University To be announced
    Inhee Mook-Jung Seoul National University The importance of gender medicine in brain research, with a focus on Alzheimer's disease

    ■ Sex/Gender difference in brain diseases
    Time table
    Speaker Affiliation Title
    Jong-Chan Park Sungkyunkwan University Sex differences in the progression of glucose metabolism dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease
    Seulgi Kang Sungkyunkwan University Non-targeted metabolomics investigation of a sub-chronic variable stress model unveils sex-dependent metabolic differences induced by stress
    Yi-Seon Jeon Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Adolescent parvalbumin expression in the left orbitofrontal cortex shapes sociability in female mice

    Panel Discussion and Q&A: Diversity and inclusion in brain research

    Time table
    Speaker Affiliation Title
    Heisook Lee GISTeR The legal context for sex/gender-specific research in Korea
    Inhee Mook-Jung Seoul National University Current status of brain science research projects in Korea
    Ja-Hyun Baik Korea University Brain research and life science research policy or current status
    Jee Hyun Kim Deakin University The state of sex/gender-specific research in neuroscience in Australia and internationally
    • Neuroethics Workshop

      • Date October 16
      • Time 14:00-16:00
      • Location Room 2 (205)

      Sung-Jin Jeong / Korea Brain Research Institute


      Sung-Jin Jeong / Korea Brain Research Institute

      Sang Ho Yoo / Hanyang University

    Time table
    Speaker Affiliation Title
    Jeong-Woo Sohn Catholic Kwandong University Non-Human Primate Research to Clinical Applications: Advances in Brain-Machine Interface
    Mitsuaki Takemi Keio University Promoting Public Trust in Neurotechnology: Bridging the Gap between Hype and Reality
    Ji Hyun Yang Yonsei University Navigating legal challenges of clinical use of implantable brain-computer interfaces
    Tamami Fukushi Tokyo Online University Neuroethical issues of BMI neurotechnology